The Confratenity of Catholic Saints

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The Confraternity of Catholic Saints

A Confraternity committed to serve God and the Church by proclaiming the Gospel and promoting that Holiness can be truly attained towards the sanctity and growth of God's people in Faith, Hope, and Love.

+ Commitment
+ Charity
+ Service

+ Active Prayer Life
+ Love for the Sacraments
[Especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation]
+ Works of Charity

Our Works

- To promote the lives and devotions to the Holy Men and Women recognized by the Roman Catholic Church by Canonization, Beatification, and Recognition of Heroic Virtues, including those from the churches in communion with Rome.

- To help parishes, religious congregations and associations foster devotion to their own saints (their patrons, founders, and/or members).

- To take care of relics of the saints that the confraternity members and/or a Parish or a Diocese own.

- To host a public viewing and veneration of the relics of saints in parishes, communities, schools, hospitals, houses, and offices.

- To help Holy Mother Church stop different kinds of abuses to relics of saints and report it to the competent ecclesiastical authorities (e.g. the Local Ordinary) and/or to the postulators.

- To conduct spiritual activities according to the spirituality of a particular saint through seminars, recollections, retreats, pilgrimages, etc.

- To visit the sick and those who need spiritual assistance and pray for them through the intercession of the saints.

Story and History

The Confraternity of Catholic Saints is a catholic organization of Christ's Faithful consecrated to the Most Holy Trinity through the Blessed Virgin Mary and dedicated in proclaiming the Gospel and promoting that Holiness is very possible.

The Confraternity of Catholic Saint started last 1 October 2003 with the name Ministry for the Promotion of Holy Men and Women at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cubao dedicated to promote the new Saints of the Catholic Church. Its foundation was led by Dave Caesar Dela Cruz (Fra. Francis Teresa) and Lloyd Paul Elauria (Fra. Bonaventure) both from the said diocese. It was only in 6 August 2006 that it changed its name to Confraternity of Catholic Saints (CCS). The charism of the CCS is the promotion of devotion, lives and spirituality of the Catholic Saints.

Currently, the CCS is under the Spiritual Direction of Rev. Fr. Angelo Ma. S. Legal, of the Catholic Order of Saint Benedict (OSB).

On July 24, 2007 , the co-founder of the Confraternity, Fra. Dave Caesar Dela Cruz, officially presented the letter and requirements requesting the Lord Bishop of Cubao, Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, D.D. for the Diocesan Recognition of the Confraternity.

At present the CSS is the Official Promoter for the Cause of Canonization for Blessed Ivan Merz of Croatia in the Philippines, the Official Group-Promoter of Blessed Alberto Marvelli of Italy in the Philippines, a recognized prayer group for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, Pope John Paul II, and Recognized Promoter of Saint Rita de Cascia (by the Mother Abbess), Monastery of Saint Rita de Cascia, Cascia, Italy.

On October 2007, the founding-Director Fra. Francis Teresa visited the tomb of Blessed Ivan Merz. By his pilgrimage to Croatia the Confraternity was recognized by the Archbishop of Zagreb, Josip Cardinal Bozanic; the Archbishop of Saravejo, Vinko Cardinal Puljik; and the Bishop of Banja Luka, Franjo Komarika. The Director was interviewed in the Catholic radio in Croatia and the Director had the chance to have a talk to the Croatian youth. The Confraternity was also featured in some newspaper in Croatia. One of these is the magazine in Croatia, FOKUS.

Prayers of the Confraternity


God our loving Father, you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our way, our truth, and our life. He taught us that it is your will that we may be holy as you are holy. In the waters of baptism, in the anointing of Chrism in our forehead, in receiving the Body and Blood of your Son, and in the grace of reconciliation, you gave us strength to fulfill our Christian mission to the whole world.

We pray that we may be faithful servants of your Son, proclaiming the Good News and telling the whole world that Holiness is very possible. Let our lives be a life of prayer, service, and of charity so that we may inspire others to be Saints.

May our heart be inflamed with the fire of the Holy Spirit so that whatever we do, may be for your greater glory and sanctification of our brothers and sisters.

With the prayers of Mary, Queen and Mother of all Saints, and of all the Saints, may the Confraternity of Catholic Saints be a light to the world, shining in darkness and be a living witnesses of Jesus' love here on earth.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.


God, our loving Father, you are the source of holiness. You sent Jesus to remind us of our vocation to be holy because you are holy. We humbly pray to inspire more people, especially the youth, to live a true Christian life. May men and women of every status in life be inspired to serve the Church by proclaiming the Gospel and promoting that Holiness is very possible through the Confraternity of Catholic Saints. Strengthen them by a life of prayer, love for the Sacraments especially the Eucharist and Confession, and by doing works of charity towards the sanctification of your people and their growth in faith, hope, and love.

May Mary, Mother and Queen of all Saints, and your Church triumphant, pray for us and help us.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers were approved for Public use by:
+ Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, D.D.
Bishop of Cubao

Noted by:
Rev. Fr. Dennis S. Soriano
Diocesan Ministry for Liturgical Affairs
Diocese of Cubao

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